unravelling at night what she had woven during the day, as a clever ploy to “buy time” and stave off hungry suitors - Odyssey

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where are you?

From: advisor <advisor@oneuniversity.ca>
Subject: re: how are you?
Date: 9 November, 2012 4:52:42 PM EST
To: 'student' <student@one university.ca>


Haven’t heard from you in a while – wondering how you are doing?


On 12-Nov-12, at 10:45 AM, student wrote:

Hi Advisor, 

I'm doing well! Very busy marking 90 papers... I didn't really plan my comp proposal around the ebb and flow of TA responsibilities. My proposal is about 95% ready for submission. I won't be able to get to it until this marking is done, which should be Wednesday. 

I'm still focused and reading happily, and very excited to get this exam going.

I promise I am far from lost and discouraged. 


From: Advisor <advisor@oneuniversity.ca>
Subject: Re: how are you?
Date: 13 November, 2012 10:28:36 AM EST
To: 'student' <student@oneuniversity.com>

Thanks for getting back to me.

Thats great that you are making progress. I had thought that you were going to try and get us something earlier in October which is why I was a bit concerned by the email silence.  Would you be able to get us something by the end of this week or at the very latest, first thing Monday morning? Once you move beyond a monday submission, you need to add on time for us to read as we are all in the midst of teaching then - and the end of November is fast approaching (yikes).



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